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Apr 14, 2009

iRazoo-Earn points for searching and redeem it for shopping

iRazoo is a search from where you can earn points.Exchange your points for exciting prizes such as Mp3 players, Cameras, Memory sticks & Video Game systems!

NOTE:-Only users from the United States, Canada, UK and India are eligible to earn and exchange points.
However users from any country can win instantly!

Each friend of yours who registers on the iRazoo website will earn you "50" points. (We will also give your friend “50” points as well). There is no limit to the number of points you can earn this way. You have no daily limit, the number of points you can earn are unlimited!!!

But there is a daily limit to which you can earn points by searching.The daily limit is 100 point.

Click Here to Join


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  3. But there is a daily limit to which you can earn points by searching.The daily limit is 100 point.

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